Acupuncture: An Effective Remedy for the Common Cold & Flu little known fact about acupuncture is that it is an extremely effective remedy for the common cold & flu.  Patients can use acupuncture to prevent the common cold & flu or to treat the symptoms once they are already present.  In a recent article in the monthly newspaper, Acupuncture Today, acupuncturist John Amaro, shares a story of visiting leading scientists from China and their surprise at how little Americans knew about acupuncture as an effective remedy for the common cold & flu. 

The following is a fascinating excerpt from Acupuncture Today, May 2004, Vol. 05, Issue 05:

Some years ago, a group of esteemed scientists from the People’s Republic of China were invited to visit the United States by the American scientific community. This event ushered in an exchange of ideas and an opportunity for two great nations to be able to corroborate on a number of issues vital to the health and welfare of the world.  

Over a period of two months, the Chinese scientists visited virtually every major research facility in the nation, followed closely by their American hosts, who were furiously taking notes and promoting discussion on matters from nuclear physics to aerospace, medical research and treatment approaches. The visit culminated in a banquet at Princeton University in honor of the Chinese scientists, which was attended by a virtual “who’s who” of the North American scientific world.  

During the banquet, the moderator of the event posed the question to the chief Chinese scientist as to what he felt was one of the most significant things he had learned in America; what had impressed him the most about the United States that he would return to China and share it with his colleagues who were not present on this historic visit? The scientist rose from his chair, strode to the microphone, gazed over the crowd and stated in understandable English: “The number one thing that has impressed me the most about America is the common belief by the common person that there is no cure for the common cold.” The American scientists were totally caught off guard with this statement, as it was perhaps the farthest thing from anyone’s mind. It was not what they had expected to hear.

Even though the names of devastating flu are often Asian in character, and China has been credited or blamed with the development of some of the most deadly flu epidemics in the world, the Chinese – through effective acupuncture approaches – have had a major impact in altering the extreme symptomatology that accompanies both the flu and the common cold.

– Cited from “An Extremely Effective, Simple Treatment for Colds and Flu,”  by John Amaro, LAc, DC, Dipl. Ac.(NCCAOM), Dipl.Med.Ac.(IAMA), in Acupuncture Today, May 2004, Vol. 5, Issue 5.

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